
Was Gigi The Movie Filmed In Color?

Photo Courtesy: J. R. Eyerman/Life Magazine/The LIFE Moving picture Collection/Getty Images

Tired of Netflix? You aren't alone, but escaping the house still requires some caution due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, some companies and individuals came up with a creative idea to help people safely relish a night out: drive-in theaters. That's right — outdoor picture venues are no longer a thing of the by. They're a fun answer to the problem — at least for the foreseeable future. Fifty-fifty as theaters and concert venues reopen, bulldoze-ins have a lot to offer people who are feeling stir-crazy only also uncomfortable about going out in public while the virus is all the same spreading.

Some drive-ins that have opened up have fifty-fifty worked to upgrade the movie house experience by offering more than the chance to sentinel great movies. Concerts and other outings provide actress entertainment opportunities at select locations. These venues serve as a refreshing reminder that social distancing doesn't have to be boring, and you lot can still go out with friends if you take the right approach. Ready to say bye to your burrow and say hello to fun at the drive-in? Here's a deeper look at how drive-ins are thriving during the pandemic.

Drive-In Theaters Have New Tricks Up Their Sleeves

For some movie lovers, the one-time-fashioned drive-in experience wouldn't cutting it anymore, even in drastic times. This is where the brand-new experience comes in. Several revamped drive-in locations offer movies and a view, which makes it harder to turn down. For instance, Skyline Drive-In NYC provides patrons a moving picture with the lovely Manhattan skyline in the properties. It'southward not a mundane NYC skyline either; it'southward a popular filming location for well-known companies like SNL and Antipodal.

Photograph Courtesy: Skyline Drive-In NYC

When it comes to nutrient, some bulldoze-ins are turning to fancy nutrient trucks and onsite culinary options that far exceed the entreatment of popcorn and processed. At Lefty's Alley and Eats, yous tin can gild crab wontons or bruschetta as an appetizer and movement on to an entree like roasted frenched chicken breast or crab cake sando — all while enjoying a corking flick.

Some aspects of the outdoor cinema experience are the same, but there are some subtle changes. Many drive-ins have modified their ticket purchasing procedure, for case, requiring all tickets to be purchased online through the visitor'south website or Facebook page. However, y'all accept to exist quick at many locations. Tickets are in hot demand and sometimes sell out in minutes.

One trouble business owners still confront for now is access to make-new movies. Without the permission of moving-picture show studios, bulldoze-ins can't bear witness the latest flicks, but this state of affairs has already started to ameliorate with new film releases picking back up at the finish of Baronial. Older movies like Jurassic Park, Grease and Dingy Dancing accept done well in drive-ins through the summer, so we may see a blend of new, former and recent movies like Crazy Rich Asians and Mary Poppins Returns playing at drive-ins moving forward.

For those who dearest music only are a little ill of social media live concerts, businesses accept found an innovative solution to your problem: drive-in concerts. Federal republic of germany got the trend started by hosting a few drive-in rave concerts with all the works — DJ performances, lasers, smoke, special furnishings and dancers (wearing masks, of course). Although people aren't allowed to go out of their cars to dance and mingle, they can party inside them and even honk to the music.

Photo Courtesy: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/picture alliance/Getty Images

In the U.Southward., many music artists take jumped on the bandwagon and hosted small drive-in shows. One of the most popular stars to leap on this trend is country singer Keith Urban, who surprised fans in Tennessee with a spontaneous drive-in concert in May. That's not all — the vocaliser dedicated the show to front-line medical workers.

How Are Drive-Ins Keeping Customers Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Besides requiring online ticket sales, concern owners have implemented other rubber and social distancing measures to ensure everyone safely enjoys the entertainment. Well-nigh drive-ins have the aforementioned set of regulations, such as requiring patrons to stay in their cars, except to use the restroom. If you get out your car, you must wear a face mask, and each car must exist parked 10 to 20 feet away from the side by side machine. Some venues stagger car spots, then everyone can easily view the moving picture screen or functioning. Besides, only a certain number of people are allowed in the restroom at one fourth dimension. Of form, you can expect a few troublemakers who don't want to follow the new rules, but yous can as well look those customers to be kicked out.

Photograph Courtesy: Dasril Roszandi/NurPhoto/Getty Images

If you're wondering about nutrient and drinks, many venues are trying to go along the feel contact-gratuitous by encouraging patrons to bring their own snacks and beverages to requite both customers and workers peace of listen during the pandemic. Still, those who want snacks at some locations tin can order items online for contact-less car delivery or choice up. For case, nutrient trucks at Miami's Carflix Cinemas deliver food to customers' vehicles while they watch outdoor movies. Houston's Rooftop Cinema Gild allows customers to pre-order food and drinks online for onsite pickup.

Cheers to drive-ins, people have the gamble to leave their homes and have some fun together (while still apart) during these challenging times. How'south that for some movie magic?


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