
How To Change Page Title Color And Text Android Studio

This new Android phone tin actually modify colors — hither's how

a photo of the Vivo V23 Pro
(Image credit: Vivo )

Update (Jan 7th): We've called the Vivo V23 as 1 of the most interesting phones revealed during CES 2022 .

Phones at present come up in all manner of colors, with even the traditionally muted Samsung Galaxy and Apple iPhone ranges at present bachelor in a mix of shades. But it can be easy to get bored of the color of your everyday phone, even if it's bold and vibrant. Not so with the Vivo V23 and V23 Pro.

That's because this new Android phone comes with the ability to change color — yeah, really. The Sunshine Golden models will apparently shift hues entirely when exposed to sunlight. If that's washed for some xxx seconds, the phone's dorsum will change from its original aureate to a bluish-green shade.

This is achieved using a "Fluorite AG Glass Blueprint" with crystals that polish and modify color due to a reaction when exposed to UV light, aka sunlight. Don't expect the Stardust Black version to modify, though, as it'll keep its rather fetching textured black finish regardless of the star-powered radiation waves it's exposed to.

Vivo V23 Pro changing colors

(Epitome credit: Vivo)

How highly-seasoned either of those colors will exist is down to the eye of the beholder, but the power to alter hue is a neat party pull a fast one on. That said, nosotros'd demand to see it in activeness before we laissez passer judgement on how successfully it carries information technology off.

If yous're shrugging at this, then the new 5-series phones from Vivo have another not bad feature: the brandish notch holds a pair of selfie cameras. One is a 50MP main sensor and the other is an 8MP ultra-wide one.

an image of the Vivo V23 Pro's front and rear cameras

(Prototype credit: Vivo)

Dual selfie cameras have been seen earlier, notably with the OnePlus Nord and the Google Pixel three Forty and its chunky display notch, but they aren't mutual sights. In this case, a large megapixel principal lens paired with an ultra-wide camera could yield some detailed selfie shots.

As for other photographic camera specs, on the rear of both phones you'll find a trio of snappers, comprising an 8MP ultra-broad lens and 2MP macro sensors, with the V23 Pro sporting a 108MP master lens and the standard V23 using a 64MP camera. Those are some solid megapixel counts for the main cameras, though nosotros suspect the phones' image quality will depend on the computational photography and image signal processing backside the cameras.

Speaking of processing, that'll exist taken care of by a MediaTek Dimensity 920 chipset in the V23 and Dimensity 1200 in the V23 Pro. RAM and storage come in 8GB and 12GB, and 128GB and 256GB variants, respectively.

On the brandish side, the V23 Pro will have a curved 6.56-inch 1080p brandish with a 90Hz refresh rate, while the V23 features a apartment and smaller vi.44-inch display besides running at 90Hz.

Overall, both phones seem similar compelling mid-range Android handsets. Merely they aren't destined for the U.S. or U.One thousand. at the time of writing, meaning a spot on our best cheap phones list won't be forthcoming. Even so, they could fix a standard for other phones to follow when it comes to being able to shift colors on the wing.

Roland Moore-Colyer a Managing Editor at Tom'due south Guide with a focus on news, features and opinion manufactures. He often writes nigh gaming, phones, laptops and other $.25 of hardware; he's as well got an interest in cars. When non at his desk Roland can be plant wandering around London, oftentimes with a look of curiosity on his face.


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